Dishaw Guitar Studio will provide free all day clinics for those who attend the Music Industry Conference (MIC). The event will be held on October 8-9 at the downtown OnCenter. My son and I are CNY natives and well known for expertise in manufacturing of electric guitars as well as restoration of string instruments and factory authorized service.
Instruments require time and dedication to learn how to play, and if your instrument is not set up properly it becomes a much more difficult task. Bring your electric/acoustic guitars, bass guitar, banjo, mandolins or any string instrument that you play and we will show you how to get the most from your instrument.
We can show you how to install your strings correctly and explain how the truss rod affects the action or playability of your instrument. We will describe and walk you through all the adjustments made to your instrument so that it plays effortlessly through the entire length of the fingerboard. Not only will we set the string action, but we will also have a high precision Peterson strobe tuner as well to set the bridge saddles and intonate the scale length.
There will be a big screen monitor with a slide show of the shop and some of our manufacturing techniques, including Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Machining (CAM). There will also be a select few of our guitars for sale with an amp to demo. Guitar parts, strings and accessories will be available for purchase.
For the cost of admission you will get a professional setup on your own instrument or you can just stop by and we can just show you how it’s done.